Even if most developers today try their best to make touch input work seamlessly with their games, it cannot be denied that shooters, such as pubg mobile, are played best when you’re using a controller this is why we’ve taken the time to compile a list of our favourite controllers for pubg mobile. Use bluetooth controller pubg mobile. Pubg mobile will officially support controllers as soon as there is an update from tencent regarding controller support, but for now you can use the non-official and legal way we hope now all your questions related to pubg mobile controller support are clear.
use bluetooth controller pubg mobile
For pubg mobile, there is no official controller support for the game outside of movement, meaning you can connect a bluetooth-enabled controller to your mobile device and move around, but the. Pubg mobile finally made its way to the u.s. this week, and its surprise launch has left players with many questions, particularly on the topic of controller support. can you use a ps4 or xbox. Pubg mobile is going to be destroyed by the mouse and keyboard. new paired bluetooth devices to their phones, or even a standard console controller, and it’s causing something of a.
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